Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Here is a basic timeline delineating when I plan on accomplishing certain goals. The Laser Cutter will have an aluminum frame that can be disassembled. The Cross Bar will be driven with Timing belts and pulleys attached to stepper motors.

Week Milestone
1/29/2018 Purchase Steppers, Raspberry PI, Belts, Pulleys
2/4/2018 Create Model of the Base, Purchase other materials
2/10/2018 Fabricate Base
2/16/2018 Preform Calculations of Steps, Motors, Power, Etc
2/22/2018 PCB Layout and design. Print PCB
2/28/2018 Begin GUI design 
3/6/2018 GUI design- vector
3/12/2018 GUI design- image 
3/18/2018 Test Functionality of base/ code
3/24/2018 Refine System- Base (ADD LASER MAYBE)
3/30/2018 Refine System- Code/ Speed
4/5/2018 Refine System- Aesthetics 
4/11/2018 Prepare Presentation

1 comment:

  1. The timeline is thorough. My only question is whether the mechanical construction of the base can be realistically completed by 2/10. For your next post, it would be great to see the CAD model. I think you're off to a good start.
